
If you had a chance to redo something would you? What if that something just kept festering inside your mind for years and occasionally made it out in various ways? Would you pursue it? Even if you felt you did not have time? Or worse felt you did not have the ability?

I find myself in that very situation. The thing is as it keeps coming back I seem to be making more time for it. I guess that is in the hope that maybe, just maybe, I will not only get enough of it completed but feel confident enough in my chops that I will release it all upon you.

I have been trying my hand at artwork again still proving to myself I do not have what it takes. Digital art is more forgiving but also seems to take more time for me. Yes, I am getting older and yes, I probably should just hire someone to do the artwork. The fact that I do not have the money to pay someone to do the art (I suppose I could work around that somehow) but the problem is then I couldn’t and wouldn’t say it was mine, or more accurately “just mine”. At that point I would have a collaborator and my vision would now be our vision of any of these various projects. Yes, my mind is a messy place to hang out and yes, these are actual things I think about.